Palm Oil Pressing Station
Digesting: stir the palm fruit while cooking again.
Palm Oil press station: Separate palm fruit and kernel, and oil press machine can obtain CPO (crude palm oil) and palm kernel. The adoption of double screw and hydraulic oil press machine can greatly improving working efficiency during palm oil production.
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Process flow of palm oil pressing processing line:
Palm fruits through elevator and conveyors, enters into upper steaming boiler of oil press machine.
Stirring and heating with steam to destroy the emulsified state forming from oil and water, wherein the coagulation protein denaturation and to reduce the viscosity of the oil for further convenience of palm oil pressing process.
Digesting temperature keeps at 95-100℃ about 20 minutes.
Palm fruit after digesting enters into
oil expeller for palm oil pressing.

After bunch reception, bunch sterilizing, threshing and digesting, the palm fruits are pressed into a screw palm oil press. Mixture of oil and cake will be extracted by use of palm oil press machine. Besides, nuts and fibre or press cake will also be discharged as palm oil pressing residues.

Palm Oil Pressing Machine (Oil Extraction)
Screw pressing is the main method of palm oil extraction. In pressing stage, mechanical screw palm oil pressing machine is used to extract the oil out of digested palm pulp which is a mixture of oil, water, fibre and nuts.
Hydraulic presses and the older centrifuges have been deemed almost redundant today as palm oil processing plants these days use specifically designed screw-presses much like the ones used for other kinds of oil seeds. Palm oil screw press is made of a rod-shaped punctured enclosure and a narrowly fitting screw running through it. The digested palm fruit mashes are unceasingly carried through the enclosure and taken to an opening that is restricted by a cone which generates the pressure needed to extract the oil via the cage perforations in the enclosure.
Due to the commotion and massage action that is applied on the fruit pulp in the pressing cage, screw presses are known as the most effective machinery in breaking open the oil cells that remain unopened and hence extract more oil. Screw oil presses can be viewed as an extra digester. They are ideal for the extraction of palm oil and other kinds of vegetable oil.
The equipment list of pressing station:
1.Fruit Elevator
2.Digester Feed Conveyor
3.Digester Feed Conveyor
4.Fruit Recycle Conveyor
5.Digester 3000 Litter
6.Screw Press P10
7.Crude Oil Gutter
8.Sand Trap Tank
9.Vibrating Screen
10.Vibrating Screen Steel Structure Platform
11.Crude Oil Tank No.1
12.Hot Water Tank
13.Press Structure&Platform
Palm oil processing gathering palm oil making, palm oil refining, and palm oil fractionation processing lines, ensures high efficiency and high oil yield of edible palm oil.
● Palm oil pressing machine provides high oil yield crude palm oil making from palm fruit and palm kernel.
● Palm oil refining machine enables high quality edible vegetable oil refining processing from crude palm oil efficiently.
● Palm oil fractionation technology divides palm oil into liquid and solid oil by different welding points and different solution of various triglycerides composing oil.
We assure the most precise design, high quality Palm Oil Pressing Station Machine, mature project installation, and perfect after sale services.