(1) After each changing the heat conduction oil, heat conduction oil furnace must cycle more than 5 hours under 90 ℃ heat preservation;
Neutralizing pot and
decoloring deodorization equipment, the use of heat energy must be reasonable allocation and regulation. Deodorization must ensure that the deodorization oil temperature at 240-260 ℃, and other equipment is mainly balanced by the valve.
(3) After repairing, every conduction pipe gasket must use graphite gaskets, and replacing valves must use high temperature valve.
(4) Before lighting conduction oil furnace, first must start the heat conduction oil pump. After heat conduction oil furnace ceasefire, heat conduction oil pump must continue to run. When oil temperature has dropped below 100 ℃, can close the heat conduction oil pump. Prohibit ignition furnace without heat conduction oil; prohibit ignition furnace when heat conduction oil pump is not working.