HDC provides a range of palm oil making machines to extract oil from fresh fruit bunches of oil palm. The following is the typical palm oil manufacturing process which might be useful for new investors of palm oil production business.
Main Machinery for Making Palm Oil: Steriliser, digester, stripper machine, screw press, nut/fiber separator and so on.
The manufacture of crude palm oil involves a series of processes starting with harvesting fresh fruit bunches from the plantations and ending with crude palm oil storage. Through sterilizing, threshing, mashing and expelling, crude palm oil will be pressed out in palm oil pressing machine (screw oil press). Each station of palm oil mill uses different methods and machines. After purifying and refining, the refined palm oil can be exported as a popular kind of healthy and edible oil. Browse through the details of palm oil manufacturing in the following:
Plam Fruit Harvesting Process |
![]() The initial process in palm oil mill is reaping the palm fruit bunches. |
Sterilizing Station |
Through fruit reception system (left of the above photos), the palm fruit bunches will be transported to the next process - Sterilizing Station. The disinfection process utilizes steam or water to sterilize the fresh palm fruits. This process likewise stops enzymatic responses that prompt oxidation and upsets the cells which are found in the mesocarp, so that to improve the oil extraction efficiency and final oil product quality. Dry sterilizing means roasting or smoking the fruits, while wet process means boiling or steaming the fruits. If choose dry process, the palm fruits are separated first, and then sterilized. If use wet process, the fruits are sterilized before threshing. |
Threshing Station |
In the threshing process of palm oil mill. The fruitlets are separated from the whole bunches by use of stripper machine. Threshing is generally mechanical in large palm oil mill by use of thresher, which rotates or vibrates to remove the fruits from the bunch. |
Digesting Station |
Before extracting oil, the palm fruits need to be crushed in digester machines. To augment oil yield, the fruit pulp is also warmed in this process. The mesocarp and nuts can be squeezed together in palm oil making/pressing machine. But if you plan to make Grade A Palm Oil, the palm nut/kernel should be removed before oil pressing section. |
Oil Pressing Station |
The pulp is then pressed, which bursts the oil-containing cells, releasing the palm oil. There are several types of oil making machines that may be used to press the fruit pulp, including manual presses, hydraulic presses, and screw presses. The screw press is the most commonly used palm oil making machine in both small and large scale palm oil manufacturing plant due to its high oil extraction rate. |
Palm Oil Clarification Station |
The purpose of clarification in palm oil manufacturing process is to remove impurities. The final crude palm oil will be storage in bulk in a tank. |
Palm Kernel Recovery Plant |
After palm oil expelling, the solids parts discharged from the screw press is mixture of fiber and nuts. In palm kernel recovery plant, the nuts and fiber are separated by physical means. The nuts are sent to palm kernel crushing and solvent extraction plant to make palm kernel oil, while the fiber is used as biomass fuel in boiler on-site. |